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Recommended Reading

Books are a wonderful way for us to expand our knowledge and share our learning. Here I share recommendations and reviews of fiction and non-fiction books I've found enlightening, inspiring, useful and healing. They largely come from the fields of holistic health and spiritual wellness, and range from scientific studies on medicinal plants to the heart-healing poetry of Rumi. I encourage you to let me know which of these books you find interesting and helpful, and to contact me to share your own recommendations!

This is your Brain on FoodThis is your Brain on Food
Brain / Psychology / Nutrition
Your Brain on PlantsYour Brain on Plants
Brain / Psychology / Medicinal Plants and Herbs
Anti-Inflammatory Drinks for HealthAnti-Inflammatory Drinks for Health
Anti-Inflammatory Drinks / Holistic Health / Miraculous Nature
Rumi: Whispers of the BelovedRumi: Whispers of the Beloved
Spirituality / Sufism / Heart Healing
Awakened Dreams: Raji’s Journeys with the Mirror DedeAwakened Dreams: Raji’s Journeys with the Mirror Dede
Spirituality / Sufism / Heart Healing
Universal MysteriesUniversal Mysteries
Spirituality / Sufism / Heart Healing
Muhammad’s AllahMuhammad’s Allah
Spirituality / Sufism / Brain / Peace
Becoming SupernaturalBecoming Supernatural
Meditation / Miraculous Recovery / Brain / Spirituality
Gattefosse’s AromatherapyGattefosse’s Aromatherapy
Essential Oils / Holistic Health / Miraculous Nature
The Brain by the New ScientistThe Brain by the New Scientist
Brain / Psychology / New Science